NOLS Wilderness First Aid (3131)
Course Details
Contact Trey Smith:, 540-568-8735 Course Overview: Expectations, Gear List, Schedule, etc. Location: Club Room (Room 220), James Madison
Course Details
Contact Trey Smith:, 540-568-8735
Course Overview: Expectations, Gear List, Schedule, etc.
Location: Club Room (Room 220), James Madison University Recreation, 701 Driver Drive, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Tuition: $TBD
Meals: Not Included.
The University Recreation Center (UREC) is located directly in the center of the city of Harrisonburg with ample restaurants and grocery stores nearby. Students should plan to pack a lunch for themselves. No microwaves, stove or fridge available.
Lodging: Not included
The University has an on-campus hotel called “Hotel Madison” that is within walking distance of the University Recreation Center. There are also additional hotel facilities just off-campus with competitive pricing.
Additional Details: Parking on Campus requires a parking permit and is included in the cost of the course. During registration you will be asked to provide, the year, make, model and license plate of your vehicle. Please make sure that the car whose details you share with us at registration is the same car you drive down for the course. If for some reason you need to adjust what vehicle info later, please contact no later than Monday, December 4th.
January 24, 2026 8:00 AM - January 25, 2026 5:00 PM(GMT-05:00)
James Madison University
701 Driver Dr