Register Now Questions? Contact Jon Bosley:, 434-924-6115
Questions? Contact Jon Bosley:, 434-924-6115
Course Overview: Expectations, Gear List, Schedule, etc.
Course Schedule:
Location: University of Virginia; Slaughter Recreation Center, 505 Edgemont Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903, Multipurpose Room 1 (MP1)
Tuition: $TBD for Current UVA students, $TBD for public enrollment
Meals: Not provided
Lodging: There are plenty of AirBnBs and hotel options in this college town. Find them with an internet search or ask the course host when you enroll.
January 5, 2026 8:00 AM - January 9, 2026 5:00 PM(GMT-04:00)
University of Virginia
505 Edgemont Rd